Jul 8, 2008

What is MLM / Network Marketing ?

Network Marketing is an incredible method of distribution and is one
of the fastest growing businesses today. Products and/or services
are moved from the manufacturer to the end users through a structure
of independent Company Associates or Members.

Because of the massive reduction in the number of 'links' in the chain
of conventional distribution methods there is far more money available
to reward Associates for their efforts.

To those who can see it, and take action now, Network Marketing is
a *true gift*. For those people who have the drive, ambition and tenacity
to follow through and work hard at learning and building the rewards are
limitless in both Personal Development and Financial Remuneration.

There's no such thing as a 'Free Lunch' and I'd be lying if I was to say
to you that it was easy and you'd make your fortune by sitting back
and doing nothing...

That said, with a little consistent time, effort and perseverance you
will build up an incredible business which will provide you with an
excellent income for years and years to come.

Wealth Warning !!!!

" Network Marketing is not a licence to print money...

...without effort !! "

Network Marketing is the only business I know of where people can
build up a full-time income for a part-time involvement. About 90%
of people work their Network Marketing business part-time... until
their income replaces their normal 'job' income and they can then
afford to devote more time to their Network Marketing business
and enjoy reaping the rewards.

Author: The Ethos Team

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