Jul 12, 2008

Questions Determine Your Results

Everyone has heard the phrase, 'First things first!' In
some ways, it has become a cliche, but I notice that highly
successful people consistently ask themselves great questions
and take action based on the answers. What are your
'first things'?

What are your most important projects? What one thing,
more than all the others, will actually make a difference?
What can and SHOULD you focus on? Where can you start?
What can you do right NOW to move forward?

Most of us ask really dumb questions. Now, I don't mean to
be insulting, and I certainly include myself as someone who
frequently asks silly or flat-out dumb questions. This
week, I've caught myself asking, 'Do I have to?'

I've asked, 'Why me?' (REALLY dumb!)

The quality of our results equals the quality of our
questions, and there is no escape. If you want to achieve
more, have more, be and do more, the quickest, easiest and
surest route to success is to ask better, bigger questions!

Practice asking yourself empowering questions. Write them
down on cards, or partner with a friend and insist that
everyday you will focus on asking the BEST questions you
can think of! Questions like:

What am I most grateful for in this situation?

What can I learn from this?

What one thing, more than all the others, will move me
forward today?

What's the most life-enhancing thing I can do today?

What's my number one priority to achieve my most important goal?

And, of course, once you have asked and answered your key
questions, you MUST take action! Once they have asked and
answered highly effective questions, successful people
assemble the tools, people, time, energy and resources
to create precisely the outcomes they truly want!

They leave nothing to chance. If there are projects they
wish to accomplish, they organize around those outcomes.
They delegate everything else. They cancel appointments,
send apologies and skip meetings, they move money into the
right accounts, and adjust their schedules so their most
important projects get their best energy of the day.

Is that how you do it? What I notice is that many people
do exactly the reverse.

The errands, tasks, and 'stuff' of the day get their best
energy. Money goes to bills and 'necessities'. Time goes
to work and friends and 'resting up', and what's left over
is available for their goals. No wonder they spend their
lives caught in 'the thick of thin things'!

How about you? Too many of us are pursuing our most
important goals with the 'left-overs' of life!

This week, I suggest three key steps:

1. Affirm the most important projects on our dream or wish
list. What's on your list of most important things?

2. Ask yourself empowering questions about what's
possible? What will move you forward? Who will help you?
Where can you start? What's next?

3. Allocate resources so your most important projects get
your best efforts. Do the most important things when you
are awake, rested, focused and eager. Arrange your budget so
there is enough money, enough time, and enough 'space'.
First things deserve the very best of your key resources!

Philip Humbert, PhD

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