Jul 31, 2008

How To Attract Good Leaders

by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

"Stop fooling around!!! I already know all that! Just tell
me where I can get some good people!"

The caller wasn't very happy with me. My suggestion
to improve one's skills and attitude certainly hit a raw

"Hey! I've been in Network Marketing for over five
years. Don't give me any of that phony self-improvement
stuff. I'm not some wet-behind-the-ears beginner. I just
need to find some quality people."

Well, there was the caller's problem all laid out. He
just wasn't listening to himself talk. In fact, this caller
was one of the thousands of Network Marketers who
just don't get it.

They think that networking success is outside of
themselves. They are looking for someone else to
make them successful. They hope that a great ground
floor opportunity will go to work for them while they
wait for the big, successful bonus checks to arrive in
their mailbox. Or, they hope to find a really good
prospect who will go to work and make them rich
while they watch.

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