Jul 8, 2008

'Network Marketing: It's a fabulous lifestyle...'

An Upline profile of Bob Hydeman

Bob Hydeman was a commercial real estate broker in the latter part of the
eighties--not a good time to be in real estate. The market fell apart and
Bob found himself, an entrepreneur in his early fifties, looking for a job.
Unfortunately, his age, his entrepreneurial tendencies and his
predisposition to a very large income made him virtually unhirable.
Fortunately (for both Bob and his company, Mannatech), he found Network

I WAS DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR A JOB when a friend tried to recruit me into
a Network Marketing deal. I told him I wasn't the least darn bit
interested; I did not want to be a Network Marketer . . .
I had tried Network Marketing once before and had an awful experience. But
he asked me a real dirty question: "What do you have better to do?" I
thought I'd really hit bottom when I replied "When do we start?" Because I
didn't have anything better to do. And that's how I became a Network
Marketer . . .

What challenges did you face when you started, Bob?
Well, when I first started in 1988, everything I did just turned to gold.
In just three months, I was earning $23,000 a month! Then somehow, that
company fell apart--and so did my health.
One day I woke up . . . my head was looking due left at the sky and I
couldn't turn it. I couldn't drive, couldn't read, couldn't look down,
couldn't write and American medicine said it was only going to get worse.
But I kept looking for an alternative.
I found a Korean doctor who evaluated me and told me that I didn't have a
neck problem, I had a whole body problem. It's now been over four and a
half years; I'm still working on it, and I'm much better now.
And when we began Emprise (we changed the name to Mannatech this year), we
had just two products. Nobody had made any money yet and we had to recruit
people without support materials--that's a real challenge!

Bob, what would you consider your keys to success?
My keys to success are believing very strongly in management and the vision
that the company has created. And being absolutely unwilling to accept
anything less than total success. Only you can make your vision happen--no
one else.

Do you have a success philosophy?
You have to truly believe in what you're doing, who you're doing it with
and why you're doing it--whatever "it" is. You need to be absolutely
committed to making

I finally realized that if I work really hard for a year, I could do what
most people couldn't do in 40 years -- create a retirement income for myself.
that vision happen, making what you believe become your reality. We've all
heard "Quitters never win and winners never quit;" it's an old saying and
happens to be true. You have to be very focused and unwilling to accept an
alternative to success.
That's what my book, How To Retire Quickly and Comfortably With No Money In
The Bank, is about. It's basically my story, but it's not written for my
benefit. It's written for the benefit of people who are in circumstances
similar to the one I was in, both when I was 53 coming out of the real
estate business trying to get a job, and then when I was 59 trying to start
all over after my disability.
Network Marketing offers something that virtually no other business
does--the opportunity to create a lifetime income through time leverage. I
finally realized that if I worked really hard for a year, I could do in
that year what most people couldn't do in 40 years--create a retirement
income for myself.
You know, a lot of people would be thrilled with a $3,000-$5,000 per month
income, and in Network Marketing the opportunity exists for a very large
number of people to create that kind of security for themselves.

What's the best thing about your Network Marketing business, Bob?
When I had my own real-estate brokerage firm, I had ten associates and a
monthly overhead of $30,000 per month before I took a dime out of the
business. I also had the liability for all ten of those associates. It was
a hands-on business. I had to be there everyday or at least very closely in
touch everyday. That business ran me.
Today, I've got around 130,000 distributors and I have the satisfaction of
knowing that my business is working for me. I have no liability for any of
them, I don't have to be anywhere. My time is my own, my life is my own, I
don't ever have to work again--unless I really want to.
At one point, I believed that I was going to have to keep working for the
rest of my life. Then I found Network Marketing and we were able to turn
this opportunity into an absolute bonanza. Network Marketing is a fabulous

Source: Upline Sept 1996

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