Jul 9, 2008

Motivation : Are You Too Sexy?

Are You Too Sexy?

According to a recent study conducted by Tulane University, women who
exhibit sexy behavior on the job--such as wearing revealing clothes,
flirting in person or through email, or massaging a male coworker's
shoulders--may be losing out on promotions and raises.

The study surveyed 164 female MBA graduates who had been in the workforce
for 12 years. 49% of those admitted (remarkably) that they had tried to
advance their careers by being sexy.

The women who said they never engaged in sexy behavior had earned an
average of three promotions. Women who said they had engaged in sexy
behavior had earned on ly two promotions.

Women who did not engage in the sexy behavior earned an average of
$75,000-$100,000; the sexy women earned an average of $50,000-$75,000.

The study didn't include any theories as to why sexy women receive fewer
promotions and pay raises. Perhaps their bosses don't take them seriously,
seeing their blatant sexy behavior as an attempt to get ahead through
less-than-ethical means.

In any event, if you're a woman (or a man, for that matter) who has the
misguided notion that flirting with your boss or dressing in revealing
clothes will give you a boost up the corporate ladder, maybe you better
think again.

Author: Bonie Lowe

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