Jul 9, 2008


© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

The most effective business tool you have is your network of colleagues,
co-workers and friends. Is it working for you?

The other day I was giving my seminar, "How to Make an Entrance & Work a
Room"**'. A participant asked,

"Why can't I just be me? Can't they just take me or leave me?" a participant

"Sure," I said, "that is what is happening now. How is it working for
you?" With
a shy smile, she said,

"I guess it's not or I wouldn't be taking the class."

Are you putting your best foot forward to improve your memorability? Remember,
it's not who you know, as networking maven, Susan RoAne says, it's who
knows you.
It's your 'M-Factor'! How memorable are you? Are you at the 'top-of-mind' when
folks ask for a referral?

We all have heard the news that we never get a second chance to make a first
impression. The follow-up story to that is that that excellent first impression
must be sustained and maintained by excellent networking skills.



Woody Allen tells us that "80% of success is showing up"! Meeting new people is
the first step. There is no substitute for knowing people in your industry
or in
your market. Even if they are not in your market, they know people who are.
people will become your resource and you will become theirs. That's what
networking is all about.


Go to networking functions with one intent--to learn about the other people

Does that seem contradictory? Did you think that your primary purpose was show
and tell? It's not. To be memorable, you must be very interested in learning
about others. As William James, the father of psychology, tells us that "the
deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated". One way to
appreciate others is to listen intently, not with bated breath, barely waiting
until their sentences are finished so that you can add your pearls of wisdom.
Listen well. Your only agenda is to learn more about them.

Don't worry. They'll ask about you and your work. If, by chance, a person fails
to inquire about you, that person simply does not understand the system. He or
she has just given you valuable information about themselves, an unfavorable
first impression. Avoid lone rangers. They do not know how to make the net

When you take the time to build rapport by listening well and demonstrating
interest in others, your turn to report your skills, interests and
expertise will
come naturally.


Networking is not about whoever leaves with the most business cards wins. You
know they often simply sit in well-intentioned piles on your desk or in a
The only cards you need are the ones you actually asked for because you were
interested in that person. As with most things, it is the quality that
counts--the quality of the interaction that leads to the desire for the contact

Your cards have meaning. You likely do not want them being harvested for email
addresses for someone's database, right? Unless you have created quality
communication and/or a good fit for someone's immediate need, it is
unlikely that
your card will have meaning after the meeting.

Be selective in your practice of 'cardship'. Ask for the cards you want. Offer
one in return. There are very few occasions when you might thrust your card at
someone in the off-chance they might care. Develop the relationship first,
exchange cards second.


Be sure to contact the people who interested you once you have created rapport.
Send a note or postcard. Invite them to breakfast, coffee or lunch. Do this
within one week of meeting them if you possibly can.

It's a good practice to schedule two opportunities each week to meet with new
people you want to know more about. When you do meet, re-establish rapport
moving into doing business. And, once again, listen first..

Continue to make contact with folks. Send an article, a tip sheet, or fax
containing something that might interest them. When the relationship has some
foundation, then, you can begin to interest them in your business possibilities
together. People want to be known.

So back to the basic beginning, give first. Give folks the opportunity to tell
you about themselves and their work. Be curious. Follow the four steps
above and
you'll boost your memorability factor for sure.

Remember, it is not who you know, it's who knows you. People remember
people who
care. That's how the net works!

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