Jul 9, 2008

Reasons you’re failing with LEADS

Reasons you're failing with LEADS…

That is if you THINK YOU are! Many people
assume they are failing when they are NOT. An
example would be a person I coached a few weeks
ago. The individual emailed me for coaching.

"Mike, I am failing with my leads!!!"(she added
many of her reasons why in the email I left out)

My response to her was simple…

"How many LEADS have you worked and for
HOW LONG?" She emailed back…

"Several and this is my first month."

Of course we can see that this person was not
working enough leads and certainly NOT long
enough! Anyway…don't fall into this trap.


With that said…let's identify some of the TOP
reasons people fail with leads. NOTICE that most
of these are SELF-INFLICTED. The reasons I
have listed are from my personal experience in
working leads and from one on one coaching.

You have not worked leads "long enough".
You have not worked enough leads.
You have NOT tracked results.
You do not call the lead soon enough.
You do not place value on your appointments.
You gave the prospect too many options.
You are not using your system and tools.
You are not following up or following through.
You are not asking the prospect to join.
You have a negative attitude about leads.

Now…let me say that I could ADD to this list but
I won't because I want to keep this training simple
and I feel these are the most important.

One great activity is to read the list again and make
sure you're doing the OPPOSITE! Just like a DR. Seuss
book, you can reverse the negative by doing the positive.

Let me add that your ATTUITUDE is the #1 reason you
"may" be failing with leads. Just like everything else we
do in life - our ATTITIUDE will determine our ACTION
and of course this DETERMINES results.

A few weeks ago I spoke a seasoned veteran of network
marketing who I called about an event coming up and we
spoke about leads - the conversation went south!

His opinion was that leads don't work.

BUT what's interesting is that HE never worked leads!

I don't like confrontation so of course I shared my thoughts
and let it be BUT my point to you and advice if you would
like to look at that way is this…

"Decide for yourself ­ but decide from EXPERIENCE"

The key is to make sure it's real experience. Don't work
leads for 2-3 weeks or even 2-3 months and say it doesn't
work. That would be like joining a company for …say
2-3 weeks or 2-3 months and saying it doesn't work.

The reality is that network marketing has worked for over
40 years for those who have worked it…and LEADS work
for those who WORK THEM.

Motivated Mike

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