Jul 21, 2008


Conventional wisdom says we should work on improving our weaknesses. This
is a terrible waste of time, talent and opportunity. Imagine what would
have happened if Chopin, Einstein, Chris Evert, or Pavarotti had followed
that advice. All these people devoted their life to developing their
natural strengths. As a result, they each were tops in their field.

Highly successful entrepreneurs, as well as top scientists, artists,
athletes and entertainers throughout history have achieved greatness by
focusing on their areas of strength.

We all have a special 'gift', yet you may not recognize your own aptitudes.
You might think that all of us can see and appreciate the subtleties of
color the same as you. You may not realize some of us are not as graceful
as you. You might believe that all people are able to effortlessly grow a
beautiful garden.

How do you discover your natural talents? First, write down a list of those
things you do that seem easy for you. Often the tasks that seem almost
effortless are those for which we have a special aptitude.
Next, make a list of those things you do where time just seems to fly by.
This is a good clue to activities in which you have natural talent.

Finally, write down all the activities that make you happy. These are the
tasks you would do just for yourself, with no promise of gain, just because
they're fun, interesting and fulfilling.

Look through the three lists to find the common activities. These are
likely to be the areas of your natural aptitudes and talents. Imagine
spending most of your time developing and playing at something that makes
you happy, where time flies and all is easy for you. Wow!

Don't get caught up in the old advice to work on your weaknesses. Hire
someone who is good where you are weak. Delegate tasks you don't enjoy to
others who do enjoy those things. Automate the repetitious tasks. Contract
out the chores you are not great at doing.

Working to develop your natural talents is self rewarding and motivating,
allowing you to continually realize higher and higher levels of ability,
achievement and success. You will be happier and the recipients of your
work, your customers, will reward you for your excellence. What a
combination; doing what you love and people paying you for it!
Focus on your strengths. Experience the immense satisfaction that comes
with being superb at something.

by Gary Lockwood

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