Jun 20, 2008

MLM SuperTip #3

MLM SuperTip #3:

Get trained on how to explain in an easy way, your compensation plan.
Figure out what you have to do to get to the first level where the payout begins and get their fast. Don't make it look laborious or hard. Focus on this level. Hurry. Take urgent action.

I wanted to be the best, #1 leader in my company in my town, then in my state!

MLM SuperTip#2

MLM SuperTip #2:

Go to work on YOU.
Feed your mind.
Read Network Marketing and self help books.
Begin a program of Personal Growth and Development.
Search for information about being a fine Network Marketing leader.
Listen to audio tapes.

The way I learned how to do this business right was trial and error. When I saw what worked, I repeated what I was doing and wrote it down in my journal.

MLM SuperTip#1

SuperTip #1:

Throw away or give away all competing products. Ok, you say, as soon as you "use them up". Well, that's how average people think. But not you. One more time, throw away or give away all competing products. Become your own best customer, use your own products.

I tried to do things my way instead of looking for a proven way. During my early years, there were not very many books on Network Marketing, but I went to the library and checked out books on selling and improving me. You can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself. I went to work on changing me to be Crown, to be Diamond!

Ready to explode your MLM?

Ready to explode your MLM?

I have loved what Network Marketing has brought to our lives. I have loved
the journey, loved those who have shared my desire of going for greatness
and wanting to be fired up!
So many do! There have only been a few people who don’t want to be cheered
on to greatness, they want to do their own thing and it’s so much healthier
to hang out with people who are like minded, who truly want others to
succeed! This is the best industry on earth! I am so proud to be called a
Network Marketer.

Borrow my mantra!!! "Now I am the MLMer ! I am the Network Marketer!. I will master recruiting! I will not be denied, I am on fire with desire!"

Jun 19, 2008

What is MLM / Network Marketing ?

What is MLM / Network Marketing ?

MLM/Network Marketing is an incredible method of distribution and is one
of the fastest growing businesses today. Products and/or services
are moved from the manufacturer to the end users through a structure
of independent Company Associates or Members.

Because of the massive reduction in the number of 'links' in the chain
of conventional distribution methods there is far more money available
to reward Associates for their efforts.

To those who can see it, and take action now, Network Marketing is
a *true gift*. For those people who have the drive, ambition and tenacity
to follow through and work hard at learning and building the rewards are
limitless in both Personal Development and Financial Remuneration.

There's no such thing as a 'Free Lunch' and I'd be lying if I was to say
to you that it was easy and you'd make your fortune by sitting back
and doing nothing...

That said, with a little consistent time, effort and perseverance you
will build up an incredible business which will provide you with an
excellent income for years and years to come.

" Network Marketing is not a licence to print money...

...without effort !! "

Network Marketing is the only business I know of where people can
build up a full-time income for a part-time involvement. About 90%
of people work their Network Marketing business part-time... until
their income replaces their normal 'job' income and they can then
afford to devote more time to their Network Marketing business
and enjoy reaping the rewards.

All the very best,

-= The Ethos Team =-

What To Look For in an MLM Opportunity

What To Look For in an MLM Opportunity

There are a lot of MLM's, and everyone's is the best, right? So,
what aspects of an MLM business are the ones that count?


One crucial aspect that many MLM's completely overlook is the
actual products the business is selling. That's one extreme difference
between many MLM's and traditional business, yet should it be?

A lot of MLM companies focus very little on their products. Instead,
the biggest money maker and focus is placed upon referring new
recruits. There is nothing wrong with building a large downline and
making money this way, but why not focus on strong products as well
that will lead to further commissions resulting from your downline
sales force? As well, some who do not recruit well may make more
sales from the products your business offers. In a recruit only
oriented MLM with poor products, you are only stifling your income


With good products, you also have a better recruiting tool. Instead
of always throwing out the typical ads about the money making
potential of an MLM, use your products to bring in leads.

Front end sales, on good products, will interest many in joining your
downline. If you build a good customer base with what you are
actually selling, this can become a good base for leads on joining you
in business. If they use, recommend, or believe in the produces first,
they will be more likely to be interested in the business for
themselves. This will also give you a better reputation and sales
record to exhibit to others coming in with interest in the MLM side of
the business.


Many businesses focus solely on those new to the Internet and
MLM. Others are too complicated or not understood by newbies
and are best targeted at those with previous sales experience.
However, why not cater to both markets? How much harder would
it be to write a different sales page for the MLM newbie? It could
still lead to the same system, just offer further explanations, on a
separate page, that would bore the experienced marketer but be
beneficial to them.


Follow up is crucial to any Internet business, and that traditionally
means auto responders. Follow up emails keep the opportunity or
product fresh in interested parties' minds, continually offer the chance
to go back to your sales site for another look, and allow you to
provide additional information, and personal or downline


Another, and again often overlooked aspect of a good MLM
opportunity is YOU. No system is so totally automated that it won't
take your personal involvement, or at least cannot be improved by
your personal involvement. Sales sites can be compelling. Auto
responders keep contact for you automatically. Still, nothing beats a
personal story and personal contact. Use your automated tools, but
never be afraid of a personal email or phone call if the slightest
chance comes up.

MLM's are not all created equal. Don't fall for the traditional 'get
rich' hype. Demand to know how a business will work for you, and
how you can make it work for yourself. Consider all the aspects and
look for those that will give you the best advantage.

Written by Joe Bingham,